Fillmore County is a county of 576 square mile sections. Total miles of roads within the county consist of approximately 827 miles of graveled roads, 11.51 miles of paved roads, 215 miles of Township / Minimum Maintenance Roads, and 100 miles of State Highways. We at Fillmore County Roads Department take pride in seeing that the public can get around from place to place in our county whatever the season or reason. We are genuinely interested in how the roads under our care look and feel to those that use our roads at the designed and State allowable speed limits.
We are small in numbers, only 11 operators to handle the maintenance of approximately 827 miles of graveled county roads, but thanks to some modern equipment, we do pack a pretty good punch when it comes to getting the job done. The help of our office manager and a great support crew is also a big plus in keeping us out on the roads. It is our hope that when you see us out there, you will slow down and wave as you go by. Please drive safely! We will do our part if you will do yours. Driving is more about attitude than skill. Enjoy what Fillmore County has to offer and we will see you on the road.
Updated 1-27-17